United Cash Loan

The united cash loan is incredibly geeky. Thats good - you want geeks in charge of your united cash loan.

United Cash Loan - Hand Holding Express

What would our world be like if it wasn't for the innovations and enterprise of a few lonely geeks? Very different, thats for sure, and more than likely the cash loan wouldn't be as big of an issue as it is today. But the geeks were around, they did pass this way and they did bring their hyper-intelligent innovations to the cause - the fast cash loan, the payday advance cause, the united cause for a better way to get money on the fly .

Famous nerds in united cash loan history

Indeed - without these quirky jokesters the united cash loan would be nothing more than a myth, and idea passed around mahogany tables in the board rooms of corporate giants wondering just how in the heck to tap into the poverty market, how to bring an expensive quick cash loan to the masses, the cash-hungry masses!

Truly, we are indebted t these pioneers of the united cash loan industry. So the next time you see a quiet, poorly dress hunchback in a Rolls Royce with a few strippers cooing into his ear, stop the car at all costs and tell him...Thank you. It was you who made the united cash loan possible, and it was you who saved my life. Thank you.