What's New Archive (November, 2005)

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What's New > November, 2005 What's New Archive

Friday, November 04, 2005

Thumbs up for the cash advance. Really, we're all totally pumped about payday loans here at Payday Positive, and we're ready to spread our joy around the globe and help you out big time with your next payday advance.

With this update we take a happy view of our online payday advance surroundings, and we realize that these online payday advances really are fast! So fast in fact, we've decided to call them, fast payday advances for the sake of brevity, or quick cash advance loans just to get our speedy financial point across. Because a fast cash advance loan is one of the most rapid and esy forms of financial aid going, really a financial tool you can count on when the hammer starts falling and your world takes a turn for the worse. Avoid becoming just a spot on the landscape, a mere smudge of your former financially powerful self with a quick cash advance loan juicing up your account. So come on, give it all you got and give your upcoming fast cash advance loans a big-time high five.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

We get a little too positive about the fast cash loan with this update, but no big deal! We make learning about the US fast cash loan system fun, tell you all about quick and easy cash loans - how they work, how they benefit, and how they keep you positive. We wrap up the whole enchilada with a brief explosion of raw informational power, telling you why these

easy quick cash loans are the financial mascots of 21st century America. YESSS!


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